We teach girls how to Increase their Confidence, Recover from Mistakes faster, Eliminate Negative self talk.

Hey Sports mom,

Playing sports are a game-changer for girls and empowers them to develop essential life skills like teamwork, confidence, goal-setting, overcoming challenges, and sets them up for success in school, relationships, and beyond…

But you already know that…

Here’s the catch:

To succeed in her sport, she needs to be able to overcome the mental hurdles…

Without the right tools, she could miss out—and even burn out, doubt herself, and drop out.

That’s why developing mental performance tools is absolutely critical.

Imagine your daughter learning to bounce back from mistakes, stay calm under pressure, and make the tweaks she needs to shine—on the court and in the classroom.

These skills aren’t just nice to have; they’re essential for her life. Don’t wait for her confidence to slip or that gap between you to widen.

Sole Girls Programs

For girls ages 5-7 and 8-12: In person Running programs, Workshops, Camps… friendship tools, mental health, confidence, and goal setting.


A self-paced mental training system for Teen sports girls to build their confidence and mental game, so she doesn’t hold herself back in her sport or life.

Sports Moms!

Join our FREE Training for Sports moms.



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